Security and emergency measures

Fire safety

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, close to 16,000 fires are reported in Quebec annually. Prepare your organization to prevent a fire and know how to react in the event one occurs!

Groupe Trak

Your reference

in fire prevention

Fire safety is governed by many laws and regulations that aim to save human lives. For example, developing and updating a fire safety plan is often mandatory for a building.

Our experts ensure your facilities comply with the standards and regulations in force that promote sound preventive practices.

The content of a fire safety plan (FSP) is outlined in the National Fire Code (now called the Security Code) and in the municipal fire prevention by-laws of many municipalities.

Types of buildings that require an FSP include:

  • Any building with a listed fire alarm system, whether linked to a central alarm system or not
  • Any building used for the storage of hazardous materials
  • Any seniors' residence
  • Any hospital or CHSLD
  • Any daycare centre
  • Any school
  • Any movie theatre or reception, meeting or show room
  • Any detention facility

A building’s owner is responsible for setting up and ensuring the fire safety plan is compliant. However, they may delegate the task of drafting and updating the plan to a specialized company such as ours.

A fire safety plan can be completed in as little as one calendar month if you can provide us with the required information, plans and reports quickly. We will guide you through all the steps of the process.