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Les pièges à éviter lors d’une enquête locataire

The traps to avoid with your tenant screening

As a building owner, do you use all the tools available to choose the right tenants? Do you wonder how best to choose a tenant who will pay on time, take care of the dwelling and be a good neighbour? An all-too-frequent nightmare All too often, building owners must deal with issues such as late […]

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Meeting the challenges of remote hiring

The work world has turned upside down over the last few months. From a technology point of view, companies have advanced at an unprecedented rate and adopted new tools in a matter of a few weeks or months. Such a rate of growth would, under normal circumstances, take over five years, which is the normal […]

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The keys to proper tenant screening

As a landlord, it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right tenant for your rental property. Most of the time, the person will be a complete stranger. It’s only natural to want to learn more about them, and you may not have the time or tools to conduct a thorough background check. However, tenant […]

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The easiest way to locate someone

Have you lost track of someone important to you? Did you know that in more than 75% of cases, you can find a person with very little information in hand? In most cases, clients call on Groupe Trak’s services to: Find a former tenant. Execute a court judgment. Locate a witness to corroborate events.     […]

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